Precinct 444: The National Law Enforcement Museum Podcast

Encore | Operation Shadow Game: How the DEA Broke the Tijuana Cartel, Part 1

National Law Enforcement Museum Season 5 Episode 11

For over 14 months, the DEA tracked a fishing boat belonging to the kingpin of the Tijuana Cartel. The boat, named the “Dock Holiday,” was often sailed off the Mexican coast until finally, in August of 2006, the boat sailed into international waters and was intercepted by the United States Coast Guard. The kingpin was captured and DEA agents were able to take down one of Mexico’s most notorious drug cartels. The surveillance of the boat was part of an investigation of the Tijuana Cartel known as “Operation Shadow Game.”  

On display at the museum, you can see a life ring from the Dock Holiday, which is on loan from the DEA’s collection, in the History Time Capsule exhibit. Originally hosted in 2016, the National Law Enforcement Museum hosted a program titled “Operation Shadow Game” which discussed the investigation of the Tijuana Cartel with DEA Agents and members of the California Department of Justice who collaborated on the investigation.

This three-part series begins with opening remarks by former CEO Craig Floyd, brief introductions from the panelists, followed by an overview of the topic ahead by moderator Dr. Nathan Jones, specifically the three themes covered in the program.

Part 2 of this series airs on December 6th.


Opening Remarks
Craig Floyd, Former CEO of the NLEOMF 

Dr. Nathan Jones, Associate Professor, Sam Houston State University


  • Juan Martinez, Special Agent, Drug Enforcement Administration
  • Al Hargrove, Special Agent, Drug Enforcement Administration
  • Manuel Castañón, Special Agent, Drug Enforcement Administration
  • Steve Duncan, California Department of Justice