Precinct 444: The National Law Enforcement Museum Podcast
For questions or inquiries about the show: Precinct444@nleomf.org
Precinct 444: The National Law Enforcement Museum Podcast
Lifeline | Promoting Officer Wellness with Mindfulness Exercises, pt. 1
On this episode of Lifeline, we're evaluating the importance of mental wellness exercises. There are many approaches to improving mental well-being in the law enforcement field, including the effectiveness of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation practice that provides officers with the ability to focus their mind on a particular problem. Studies have shown that implementing regular mindfulness exercises reduces stress and directs the brain towards more positive responses.
During this episode, Mary Petto, the Memorial Fund's Chief Marketing and Corporate Relations Officer, leads a mindfulness exercise centered around compassion called "Just like me". Feel free to participate, wherever you are! To join this exercise, skip to timestamp 18:25.
Precinct 444 will publish another mindfulness-focused episode in early September--so stay tuned!
COPS/DOJ | Police Use of Mindfulness Training for Mental Health
IACP | Mindfulness Toolkit for Law Enforcement